Harrismith - Free State
Fantastic 948ha Cattle Farm at the foot of Platberg and up to the top of the mountain. Grazing camps with running water and lots of natural streams and fountains. Plus minus 200 hectares of fixed Eragrostis pastures and the rest all over good natural grazing field. 5 Ground dams of which the largest has a capacity of about 600 000 m3 and ideal for irrigation and Watersports Activities. Still lots of water in the big lake and rest of the dams. Huge 4 Bed Double Storey Sandstone Rondawel on the edge of the Lake (booked out on weekends) as well as a large 5 Bedroom farmhouse with outbuildings and garage presently being rented out. 2 x Large Storage Buildings and kraal with Livestock Handling Facilities.
Farm can also be partly developed into a fantastic Tourism and/or Wedding Venue Destination because of it's absolutely stunning location and views at the edge of the Platberg mountain. Also close to the N3 highway from Gauteng to.