Stay warm this winter and make extra cash by doing so

35 R


Lekker for pooitjie and fishing
Use as bowla for heat
4 hours cooking time on one coal
Easy to light
Long burning time

Hierdie is die nuwe, beste manier om n lekker pooitjie kos te maak.
Skoon en netjies en geen as wat rond waai nie!

1 x wit stoof
1 x boks kole met 12 wiele in
10kg boks
Or buy the coal at R35 per box of 12 for chimney use

Chesa wheels is a combination of coal and anthracite to give off longer burning time and more heat.

This product is compacted in a 120 x 80 mm round wheel block

It comes in a combination of 2 parts. The rocket stove or to be used in CHIMNEYs and stoves.

We give you the opportunity to distribute this great product in your area at a 200% profit margin.

At R12 per box of 12 wheels and you sell at R35 per box you can make R1500 plus per day

Whatsapp or call me for more info
081 333 3185
016 018

Location: Gauteng - Vereeniging
Added on 7 years ago and expires on 13 September, Ad id: 229623          266 visits